Well, we've come full circle. It's Christmas time again and I'm just back in kingdom from a nice visit home. I was back stateside for Thanksgiving and stayed through until the other day. It was nice to see everyone because I'd not been home for a proper visit in almost two years.
This trip I discovered the Wii and brought one home with me.
I went to a Carolina Hurricanes hockey game (thanks Shari and Tony) which they won (Yay!).
However, it was a working vacation for me. I am in graduate school and am pretty much tied to the computer on a regular basis. I need to log in a minimum of three days a week plus research, reading and writing. So it wasn't all roses and happiness.
I am glad to be back and to get back into my routine. I can start planning my next travel adventure. Unfortunately, because of school I will not be able to travel to places that do not have adequate Internet access. Or to go on trips that take me to remote area, which is what I really want to do! So, I was thinking about a three week trip to Italy, maybe rent a villa in Tuscany? Hey, there are worse things in life, right?
Anyway, here's wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!