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Friday, January 12, 2007

One of Life's Great Adventures - Not!

Well, guys, I've started on that great life adventure we all say we are going to do tomorrow (manana), or next week or for a New Year's resolution - yes, girls, it's the dreaded losing of weight! Somehow the weight seems to creep on over the years and then one day you notice you can't get up off the floor as easily as you thought you could. And your doctor tells you you are morbidly obese. Ugh, that sounds scary! The emphasis these days is on body mass index (a relatively simple formula that considers height and weight to figure if you will drop dead sooner than later).

Most of you know that I have been on this weight loss trip for a couple of years. I had done so well up until I came to Saudi Arabia. There aren't exactly an overwhelming array of ready made low fat, low calorie foodstuffs. And I'm all about the 5 minute meal. I may actually have to cook something! Well, use the George Forman grill, anyway. Between the move last Christmas, this past year and this Christmas I've put on several pounds, well, 30. I have to be brutally honest with myself and put the number in writing so I have to look at it. It's a form of self motivation for me or self torture, whichever you prefer. I mean, to actually see my weight in cold hard numbers is sort of a shock. I need that kind of shock to get back on the straight and narrow.

I start walking with a friend on Sunday. She walks 7 miles a day!! Hopefully I won't be writing the next post from a hospital bed. . .

So, with any luck, the next few months will show a steady decrease in my relative gravity. . . I will keep you posted. . . Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm back in the saddle. . .

Well, I arrived safe and sound back in the kingdom early in the am of Jan 9th. The flights were full but uneventful (read: we all didn't die in a fiery, horrible crash). In fact my first flight was ahead of schedule. The flight from Charlotte to Frankfurt can take as long as 10 hours but due to unusually strong winds ours was only just over 7 hours! We left an hour and a half late and still landed a half an hour ahead of schedule. That's the first time I've flown and the flight was delayed because we were ahead of schedule! Leave it to the airlines. . .

Now comes the hard part of trying to get back to a normal sleep pattern. I am writing this at 3:30 am, wide awake and hungry! It can take up to two weeks to get back in proper sleep mode but by then I will be working night shift and won't want to sleep during the night. . .

Congrats Major Pooh!

A big Hoo-ya to Nancy who was promoted to Major in her National Guard unit. I'm glad Debbie and I could celebrate it with you. You looked great and your family was fab as always.
Hope you're able to dig your way out of Denver. . .

Saturday, January 6, 2007

T -1 and counting. . .

Well, one more day left until I go back to the desert. . . I have to confess to looking forward to sleeping in my own bed with my own pillows (sigh!) and not living out of a suitcase that seems to be perpetually filled with dirty clothes. However, I will miss my loved ones. And I'm sure the day I get back I will start counting the days until I return, which may be Thanksgiving this year instead of Christmas and New Year. More on that later in the year. . .

I sent a shipment of supplies by air cargo on Thursday. Two boxes worth of things I can't live without (or think I can't). Now, most of the weight of those two boxes comes from books. The desert doesn't have the vast variety of English books available that an avid reader like myself needs. Although, there are books stores they just aren't Barnes & Noble. So, of course, I had to overdose on B&N while home. There's just something about sitting in a place with the smell of new books and coffee that just speaks to my soul, ya know what I mean?

Shopping was my modus operandi during this trip. I revelled in the ability to shop all day and try clothes on to my heart's content. In the desert women are not permitted to try clothes on and all the stores close during prayer times (which is five times a day). So shopping trips are mini adventures. Food products are other things that I shipped. You can't get Duke's Light mayonnaise in Saudi Arabia and while it's not something I need to live, it sure does make potato salad better. And everyone knows southern potato salad is better than any other kind (that's our secret ingredient but don't let on I told or I'll be drummed out of the southern transplant club - those of us who are not native southerners).

Tomorrow is T-day (TRAVEL day) and I leave the warm south (it was 74 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday) for 20 hours of arduous travel. Not looking forward to the flights because apparently they are full. I could not upgrade with my frequent flyer miles because there are no seats available in business or first class, ugh!! What are frequent flyers miles good for except to upgrade?

So, wish me luck and a safe journey I'm not the calmest traveler. More to come when I'm back in the desert. . .

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Well, I'm back in North Carolina for the New Year. I had a wonderful but cold Christmas in West Virginia! I think living in the desert has thinned my blood. My family and friends went out of their way to keep me warm - especially my feet, which are always freezing - thanks Dinky!

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!