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Friday, January 12, 2007

One of Life's Great Adventures - Not!

Well, guys, I've started on that great life adventure we all say we are going to do tomorrow (manana), or next week or for a New Year's resolution - yes, girls, it's the dreaded losing of weight! Somehow the weight seems to creep on over the years and then one day you notice you can't get up off the floor as easily as you thought you could. And your doctor tells you you are morbidly obese. Ugh, that sounds scary! The emphasis these days is on body mass index (a relatively simple formula that considers height and weight to figure if you will drop dead sooner than later).

Most of you know that I have been on this weight loss trip for a couple of years. I had done so well up until I came to Saudi Arabia. There aren't exactly an overwhelming array of ready made low fat, low calorie foodstuffs. And I'm all about the 5 minute meal. I may actually have to cook something! Well, use the George Forman grill, anyway. Between the move last Christmas, this past year and this Christmas I've put on several pounds, well, 30. I have to be brutally honest with myself and put the number in writing so I have to look at it. It's a form of self motivation for me or self torture, whichever you prefer. I mean, to actually see my weight in cold hard numbers is sort of a shock. I need that kind of shock to get back on the straight and narrow.

I start walking with a friend on Sunday. She walks 7 miles a day!! Hopefully I won't be writing the next post from a hospital bed. . .

So, with any luck, the next few months will show a steady decrease in my relative gravity. . . I will keep you posted. . . Wish me luck!

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